just like fire

Youngest of Pieces: Five Becomes One (13)
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The Musketeers music video is being filmed on Monday. Hannah has practicing the choreography for a few weekends but this week she has been very distracted with [Just Like Fire] and hasn’t practiced as much as she had originally planned, so when finishing her movie filming on Saturday, Hannah heads straight to the practice-room. She has two days to make the choreography she has been taught to look good, and she isn’t alone in the practice-room; backup dancers, Ana and Kai are also there. Taemin is abroad on tour but he will come tomorrow for final practice before the filming.

Hannah has a meeting of how her up-coming week will end up looking like; apparently she is going on university festivals because everyone is loving the song, they are planning some music programs performances too. It is the perfect timing to release a song, Manager Lee says, because with all these festivals going on this month, her song is played so much because it is the kind of song that works well at festivals. Hannah is strict on that as long as she can film the movie in peace, what she does beside from that is up to the agency.

But for now, she focuses on practicing the song [Energetic]. The three friends are all on different pages when it comes to practicing the song. Ana is releasing an album in a few days so she has been preparing more for that release that she is still learning the choreography to the Musketeers’ comeback, meaning she is in one part of the room learning the last steps while Hannah started practicing with Kai before realising he is way too good on this choreography that she stepped aside to practice on her own.

“Does Taemin know the whole choreography?” Hannah wonders when their teacher takes a seat by the mirror.

“He has been practicing during the week,” he reveals, smiling when Hannah grimaces. “After all of you are done today, you’ll be on the same page as him. Tomorrow, we’ll go through the choreography with everyone.”

Hannah squats down to stretch out her leg a bit, taking a few minutes of a break to let her body remember what they have been doing for the past few hours. She keeps stretching, feeling like she can stretch for the rest of the evening because it is a nice feeling – stretching is a wonder at times. Though there is a lot going on, Hannah is in a good mood. Manager Lim is done with his surgeries and he is just getting some rest and hopefully at the end of the upcoming week he can rest at home instead of staying at the hospital. And she is happy because the Musketeers are soon going to be on the stage together again.

“Hannah’s song is on fire this week,” Manager Lee comments to the teacher, sitting by the corner and talking to him.

“I hear it all the time,” Teacher Yunsang chuckles. “Every radio station is playing it for pretty much every hour. But it is a good song, so I get it.”

“She has over fifteen event appearances in two weeks thanks to it,” Manager Lee adds.

“Don’t boast,” Hannah tells him with a frown.

“Can you feel it too?” Teacher Yunsang asks her, rolling a bottle of water over to one of the dancers.

Hannah just smiles and before she can say she can kind of feel it, Manager Lee says fans sent flowers to set today. She laughs at the way he says it and gets up on her feet to step closer to their teacher and her manager. “What happened was that my fans sent flowers to the set, but not to congratulate me for making my first big movie or for winning on Music Bank yesterday.”

“Then for what?”

“They didn’t congratulate her,” Manager Lee happily laughs.

“In the card that they sent, it was a Thank You note,” Hannah explains and Teacher Yunsang looks confused.

“Basically thanking Hannah for releasing a great song,” Manager Lee tells him. It is the best laugh and behind Hannah she can hear Kai laughing too as he heard what they said. She turns her head around with the biggest smile to see Kai still dancing but he still laughed.

“It was adorable,” Hannah tells Teacher Yunsang. “The whole week fans have sent me messages and comments wanting me to perform the song. They are really adorable.”

“You find everything adorable these days,” Manager Lee comments.

Hannah nods. She turns around to get in position, still smiling but continuing to practice the song. She do want to focus on her movie filming and the Musketeers’ comeback, but she got excited over [Just Like Fire] today when fans sent her flowers on set, just thanking her for releasing a song. She hopes the positivity will stay.

“Hannah,” Manager Lee says when she just has started practicing again. He shows his tablet to her and Teacher Yunsang is laughing.

“What is that?” Hannah asks.

“Number 1 on Music Core,” Manager Lee tells her.

“You’re kidding…” Hannah steps up to look at the tablet. Two first places this week, and her song is either first or second place on the online charts. They are a few hours behind on finding out about it but now they do know about it after receiving an email from MBC about it. It just proves that Hannah hasn’t been on her phone for a few hours because she has gotten messages about it and fans are commenting on social media about Hannah winning on another music program without promoting the song.


On Sunday, Hannah is the first one in the practice-room. Ana is off doing some TV recording, then Kai’s practice doesn’t begin until later and Taemin will come later as he has work with SHINee. Hannah is already warmed up when the dancers starts arriving, she gets a bit distracted talking to them but as they start warming up, Hannah begins to practice. Last hours of practice before tomorrow’s music video filming, and that means they will have an early night to be rested for tomorrow.

They are all dancing when Taemin enters the room, smiling in his weird blue hair and laidback outfit.

“Taemin!” one of the male dancers’ cheers with a hand in the air.

“Hi,” Taemin smirks, glancing around at the people in the room.

“You’re early,” Hannah comments with a look at the time.

“Yeah…” he chuckles, coming inside as if he is not going to stay. “I got two hours before I need to leave.”

“Ana and Jongin aren’t here yet,” Hannah lets him know.

“They aren’t here?”

They laugh at how impressed he is so Taemin has to explain to the dancers that Taemin is always told he is the late one (last year they joked a lot about Taemin being late even when he wasn’t) so he is impressed because now he can tell the others that they are the late ones. He reacts a bit too much though because a minute later, some of those in the room gathers around Taemin to take a picture where they are laughing and pointing at the phone and Taemin will send it on the chat to Ana and Kai, telling them they aren’t at practice yet but he is. Hannah is in the picture too, laughing with the rest of them.

But eventually the last two members arrive, both getting to hear from Taemin that they are late. They just dance all together a few times before Taemin must leave for his schedule but the others stay behind to keep practicing more.

Though Hannah ends her day early and goes to bed almost as soon as she comes home, she still has to get up at two in the morning to go to the hair salon. She goes to re-dye her dark hair plus getting her hair and makeup done to the music video. After three hours at the saloon getting ready, Hannah feels like she has been awake for hours and arrives on the music video set with a bright smile. Her makeup is bold with red lips and smoky eyes. With long hair extensions to her dark brown hair she has a part of her hair up in a messy bun.

Getting out of the van outside the building, being greeted by a camera right away. Wearing her outfit for the scene, Hannah has covered herself in a jacket and a blanket, though it’s not cold at all. She steps down from the van and bows right away to the camera-woman, saying good morning when the woman greets her.

“I’m early,” Hannah comments to the woman when being followed to the doors.

Hannah might be early among her members but staff are already there, fixing the last on set for their music video filming. Before going with her things inside the dressing-room, Hannah walks around greeting everyone before she disappears inside the dressing-room. Being early is both a good thing and a boring thing, because while it is lonely she can go sit in the corner and fall asleep. Falling asleep to her means she closes her eyes and tries to sleep for ten minutes before giving up and leaves her seat to go see what Sung Hyo is unpacking; because the noise in the room makes it impossible for Hannah to reach dreamland. Hannah takes off her jacket but holds it around her, feeling a bit cold because her body is still tired. Sung Hyo is taking out a bunch of accessories for the music video.

The woman who was filming Hannah when she arrived comes inside the room while Hannah and Sung Hyo are spreading out the accessories on a table, the two friends lowly talking about what Hannah should wear with the outfit she is in. Hannah looks behind her stylist to see the woman and kindly asks what she is filming for, as she now too is holding a camera, focusing it on Hannah.

“The Musketeers’ TV,” she answers.

“Aah,” Hannah nods.

“Your TV?” Sung Hyo lowly asks Hannah without looking away from the accessories, not knowing what TV they mean.

“Mm… The V app broadcast we’re going to do,” Hannah explains. Even last year, the Musketeers filmed during practice and some other things, which is continuing this year. Only this year, the footage will be revealed. The project group are having some episodes released on the V app for fans and viewers to get to know the members a bit more and to see how the project group was formed and so on. They haven’t filmed much this year, just when learning the choreography and when earlier this month they did a photoshoot. They will film more when preparing for the showcase and when it is comeback week, for now filming the making of their music video.

The woman steps up closer to film over Sung Hyo and Hannah’s shoulders, seeing Hannah try on a ring.

“Try this one,” Sung Hyo suggests and holds up a different ring. Hannah puts it on three different fingers to check the size, holding up her hand to view it.

“I like this one better,” Hannah comments and points at the previous ring. They keep checking the accessories for a while, Hannah checks her phone too. The woman is still filming her, probably because there is no one else to film now. Hannah gives the woman a glance. “I wrote to the other members a while ago. Kai isn’t answering. But Ana wrote she and Taemin are at the salon.”

“Hannah?” a female staff member asks by the door and Hannah is quick to answer a polite ‘yes’ when leaning away from the table. “Is it possible for you to start earlier? We can start with your solo.”

“Yes!” she eagerly answers, wanting to do something so she wakes up completely.

The staff member says they will be ready in about half an hour, so Hannah starts getting her hair, makeup and accessories checked to be ready when they are. While she is getting that final touch, about to head out, the first friend of hers arrives. Kai is smiling when coming inside the room, laughing about something he said with the director before coming over.

“Why didn’t you answer?” Hannah asks right away when seeing him, “I wrote ages ago and you still haven’t answered.”

He chuckles and picks up his phone from his pocket, and just as Hannah is about to say it is mean of him to ignore their messages, Kai turns the phone to show that his screen is completely broken.

“My phone stopped working,” he tells her.

Though it is dreadful, she still smiles, feeling bad. “What did you do with it? Poor phone.”

“I dropped it,” Kai chuckles, letting her see it.

“Did you drop it from a mountain?” Sung Hyo jokes and they laugh. Kai’s stylist shoves him inside the room and Hannah has to go start filming. When kai calls behind her if they are starting already (because Ana and Taemin aren’t in the room), Hannah says she is doing her solo shoot first and the others haven’t arrived.

“If you treated your phone better, you would’ve known that,” she laughs at him.

The set is incredible. They have made it look like a club, a large dancefloor with shimmer lights and high ceiling. There is a bar in the back as well, blue light and screens displaying the Musketeers’ logo. Hannah’s solo shoot takes place by the bar, the camera filming close and a bit further away while she lip-synchs her parts and dances around a bit. While Hannah is filming, Taemin and Ana shows up. Taemin steps in on set to see how it is going for Hannah and to greet the director. When Hannah sees him, she can’t help but to laugh because Taemin is standing with his arms crossed and looking like he is judging her.

Hannah tries to focus when they film but having Taemin stand with the staff and smirk her direction is making it hard.

“Woah, cool,” Taemin comments when checking the footage with Hannah. she gives him a grimace.

“We’ll film one more time,” the director suggests.

Nodding her head, she turns to Taemin, telling him to leave while pushing him away. “Why?” he laughs, knowing exactly why she wants him to leave. “I can tell you what to do better.”

Hannah gives him a frown, for a few seconds not pushing him but then she pushes him again, saying she doesn’t want him there. She knows he will just . Taemin isn’t much for helping, he is more like the one who laughs at you just to make you embarrassed, and Hannah knows that. She tells some staff members as a joke to keep Taemin away before she hurries to get in front of the camera.

Over by the corridor that leads to the dressing-room, Taemin screams out to Hannah that she should look a bit cooler for the next take. His own stylist pushes him as he should get ready for his own scene. Hannah just laughs when hearing him call that to her and hopelessly must delay a few minutes to get back in focus; filming while laughing is not good.

The four Musketeers are gathered on set, and their filming is just beginning. After Hannah, it is Kai’s turn to film. Taemin shows up again to watch it, and to jokingly tell Kai how he can look cooler (in other words, how to look uncool) for the solo filming. And again, he is shoved away by his stylist though the crew is laughing at him. Ana will be up next so she is sitting in a chair getting her makeup done, smiling and glancing at Taemin when he comes back as he says how fun it is to tease each other.

“You just wait for your turn,” Manager Lee chuckles from across the room.

Though no one says they will do to Taemin what he does to them, it doesn’t take too long before it is Taemin’s turn. First, it was Ana’s turn. She was comfortable having Taemin watch her film at first before he gave one comment to the director and Ana burst out laughing, ending up asking him to be quiet as she couldn’t stop laughing. For Taemin’s part, all three of them are watching him. Ana is talking while he is getting ready for his solo shoot, but she isn’t making him laugh or get unfocused. Kai basically comes running when hearing they are about to start filming and he shows up by the staff to loudly ask Taemin if he forgot to pull up his fly.

There is laughter as Taemin checks his pants with his hands and looks down.

“Ya!” he calls out with a smile. “I don’t have a fly!”

“But I made you look!” Kai answers with a loud laugh and the crew laughs even more.

As mentioned, it is only the beginning of two days filming their music video. It becomes obvious that they are excited to work together because the four of them do not stop messing around with each other.

Because Kai’s phone isn’t working, he playfully tries to snatch Taemin’s phone after failing to snatch Hannah’s. He succeeds at snatching Taemin’s phone and even goes around with it for over two hours, walking around taking pictures for Taemin to see later. Together with Hannah and Ana at some part they take a few pictures on Taemin’s phone (and shares on their chat) with the three friends grimacing and fooling around because Taemin knows nothing. They have fun, so much fun. At one point, they are even running around during break with some of the dancers, out of nowhere chasing each other. Ana runs around without knowing what for; she just had Taemin shout at her to run and she saw six people run towards her and she started to run. Lively and fooling around during break as well as during filming.

Right before they get to eat dinner is the quietest time, because no one has the energy to run around. But fooling around with friends always works. Ana lies down on three chairs to get some rest and while she is almost asleep, Taemin holds up his phone to sneakily take a picture of her from where he is sitting, chuckling by himself, and only then noticing that he has a lot and a lot of pictures on his phone that he didn’t know he had and he laughs as he asks where it comes from. It is fun how clueless he has been about the pictures but it gives them a good laugh.

From one set to another, after filming the music video Hannah spends two days filming for the movie. It is the last scenes before she will have about a month off; the movie filming will continue but Hannah doesn’t have any scenes scheduled until late June, which will give her a chance to promote with the Musketeers.

After finishing the last scene on Thursday, she spends over an hour walking around thanking everyone for their hard work, wishing them to continue filming without problems and so on, saying they will see each other in a month.

Tomorrow is her first live performance on Music Bank, meaning Hannah heads straight to the practice-room to prepare for it. She feels slightly panicked when starting to practice for the weekend’s promotions of [Just Like Fire], panicking because it is not the king of song she is used to. It isn’t a ballad where she soothingly singing without moving around and it isn’t a dance song where she knows what to do from beginning to end with a choreography. Instead it is something in between, or neither because it isn’t a song you can have a choreography for and it feels awkward just standing doing nothing. Yet that is what the agency tells her to do; Hannah is supposed to perform with a microphone stand, in other words she is supposed to stand still and that is why she slightly panics. It is awkward and weird and she keeps bouncing to the rhythm or wanting to leave the microphone stand before realising there is nothing to do if she leaves it and decides to stay by it.

A lot of thoughts go through her mind when practicing and when it’s close to midnight she has fallen down on the floor with a few of the dancers. No one is lying flat like her, not troubled like Hannah, but they are sitting tiredly on the floor.

When she arrived in the practice-room she found some of the dancers that she hasn’t worked with since the world tour ended, so there was a bunch of hugging and catching up the first half hour before they started practicing. They haven’t met in ages yet it’s like they have met every week this year because they work well together, knowing their usual routines and such. It’s easy to work together. And calming. If Hannah had been alone in the practice-room, she would’ve just groaned and sighed, but now when she has friends there she can share her worries with them and get distracted as they talk about other things. 5 pieces’ dance-crew got a break after the tour, just like the ladies, besides from that most of them went back to work quickly as Emelia had her comeback, had less work over the holidays and then worked on Emelia’s solo tour. Lately, some of them are practicing with Julia for her solo comeback, one song compared to the album and tour Emelia had.

Hannah turns her head to see what Sukmin is chuckling at just as he calls out for everyone to turn their heads. He is sitting the closest to the mirrors, tongue reached out at the corner of his mouth as his phone is held up for a picture. Hannah sees through the mirror how the others on the floor poses different, whether it is reaching hands up in the air, a grimace or a peace-sign. Hannah, who is lying flat on her stomach, just holds up a peace-sign above her head too. He lowers his phone after taking the picture, looking at it with a satisfied smile.

“Are we bringing the microphone stand to college tomorrow?” Minhae wonders. She is sitting next to it, noticing it when leaning back on her hands after taking the picture.

“No,” Hannah answers with a frown. She sits up to not fall asleep. “That would be such a boring performance.”

Hannah is having performances at college festivals this weekend and next week, being invited because of [Just Like Fire]. While she has no idea how to perform it well, she is certain she do not want the microphone stand. A festival is supposed to be fun. They have practiced to perform [New Me] at the college as well.

“Do it like [Dream Girl],” Inyoul jokes and is quickly up on his feet, going over to the microphone stand to dance SHINee’s song with it. The others smile at him.

“Guys, we should finish practicing,” Ribae says, taking on the leader role as usual.

Hannah lies down on her back for a second, feeling he regrets of recording the song in first place. She is still shaky to sing live. She did alright at the radio but now she will sing the whole weekend and she is not certain of the song and her mind is wrapped up in the Musketeers’ upcoming comeback and the movie she just hours ago was filming. After feeling regret for a few seconds, she flies up on her feet to get this over.

“I’m glad you’ll be on stage with me though,” she confesses to her dancers as everyone are getting into position.

“Yeah, what would you do without us,” Shiwon gives her a smile, patting her back when passing by behind her.

“Confidence boost,” Minna nods, giving a genuine smile as she knows what Hannah means.

“Aah,” Inyoul looks impressed at Minna as he understands what Hannah means when Minna gives that comment. “Nuna, will you be alright when we’re not on stage?”

“We’ll be there,” Minna tells him.

To not have them argue, Ribae turns on the music. Hannah is full of smiles during the last practice. They don’t know how she struggled just to sing last week, but earlier this evening Hannah admitted she is nervous to be on stage alone, for this song, and Minna totally understood her and already at that time said she won’t be on stage alone so just have them there as a confidence boost. They hurry to wrap up so they can get some sleep before Music Bank. After finishing practice, they are all busy talking while getting their things to leave. Hannah sits down to change her shoes to shove into her bag and checks her phone. Not once has she touched her phone while they have been here; too busy practicing, worrying and talking to her friends.

“Ya…” Hannah breathes out and turns her head to give the quiet Myung a smile. She spins her phone for him to see what she saw. “What does it say?”

“Uh… ‘congratulations’…” Myung starts to read the text message before a smile grows in his face. “Yeaaaah!”

The others notice them when Myung out of nowhere puts his arms slightly Hannah for a hug though he is standing and she is sitting down.

“She got another first place,” Myung announces to the others and they cheer.

“Mnet texted me,” Hannah says while she is in a slight daze. [Just Like Fire] has won four times in two weeks, without promotions and with it just being released online through SMSTATION. Hannah puts her hand by her cheek to feel how warm she gets, embarrassed and nervous all over again. She is running up for first place tomorrow too, against TWICE. M Countdown had a Japan special, so they didn’t do their usual broadcast, which is why they personally let Hannah knows her song came first and it is also why she didn’t perform there today.


On early Friday morning, Hannah joins the other idols on the road to Music Bank. While she is still in the van she sees a lot of fans commenting on twitter that they are at Music Bank to support her, hoping to see her soon and that they don’t know if they will get in to the live show. She recognizes some of the names, but is worried she might not see them as there tends to be a lot of fans and huge cameras, and Seventeen are making their comeback so Hannah expects a lot of their fans to be there.

Dressed in black jeans, layers of a longer

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Suuhaanaa #1
Chapter 62: Thank you for the update! I kept coming to this story whenever im bored. Really love your story!
Chapter 61: Just so you know I am re reading everything again from the very beginning and I keep on having the same feelings. Thanks for the update!😊😊😊
Chapter 58: Wow! Thsnk you soooo much for the update. Missed reading this! ♥️
I know that all the restrictions are eased, so why not coming back making new chapters?
It's been 2 and a half years!
Chapter 56: Ahhh, I wish that year 2017 comes to a end and then make 2018 a fresh start of the year!
Would you please update now? I can't stand waiting here...
Chapter 56: Still no updates from you at all, please update now, it's already May.
Chapter 56: It's almost May and I don't see any updates here since last month...
Would you please update?
Chapter 56: Please update soon, please? We've been waiting impatiently here.